ImmuniTea by Detox Herbals helps in improving the overall metabolism of the body.
Consumption of ImmuniTea helps in controlling the blood sugar levels as well as balances blood pressure.
Rich in antioxidants ImmuniTea helps in body detoxification while improving digestion.
Its anti-biotic, anti-acidic and anti-fungal properties fight the diseases and keeps the body healthy and fit
We all know prevention is better than cure! It is always better to have a more herbal approach towards illness and its treatment. As per the guidelines, given by the Ministry of Ayush in Section II Article 2 & Section IV Article 2, ImmuniTea by Detox Herbals is filled with the goodness of miracle herbal ingredients like Tulsi (Basil), Dalchini (Cinnamon), Kalimirch (Black pepper), Shunthi (Dry Ginger) & Lauvng (Clove).
The ministry suggests in Section II Article 2 that the consumption of herbal tea (decoction / kadha) is highly beneficial in improving the immunity to fight against diseases, and needs to be taken once or twice a day.
Boil this product in water for a refreshing cup of herbal tea. Add sugar/honey/jaggery for taste.
Feel the boost every day!
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